Sunday, March 6, 2016

Assignment Questions- U14EET402- MAR-16

Assignment Questions
Course Code: U14EET402
Course Name: Transmission and Distribution
Course Faculty: V. Sharmila Deve ASP/EEE,  D. Sharmitha AP 1/EEE
Issue Date: 04.03.2016                                              Dead line: 04-04-16
Assignment Questions
1.      In KCT, power house 1 is supplying a power of 520 KVA to A block. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. ( A-1)
2.      In KCT, power house 1 is supplying a power of 370 KVA to B block. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (B-1)
3.      In KCT, power house 1 is supplying a power of 360 KVA to C block. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line.(A-2)
4.      In KCT, power house 1 is supplying a power of 240 KVA to D block. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (B-2)
5.      In KCT, power house 1 is supplying a power of 100 KVA to E block. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (A-3)
6.      In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 320 KVA to Ladies hostel. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (B-3)
7.      In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 320 KVA to Gents hostel 1. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (A-4)
8.      In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 320 KVA to Gents hostel 2. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (B-4)
9.      In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 350 KVA to Vallalar kitchen. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (A-5)
10.  In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 100 KVA to Students center. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (B-5)
11.  In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 80 KVA to TIFAC KORE. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (A-6)
12.  In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 320 KVA to Administrative block. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (B-6)
13.  In KCT, power house 2 is supplying a power of 320 KVA to seminar halls. Find the total connected load of the building also calculate the surge impedance and surge impedance loading of the line. Suggest suitable compensation to be provided for the reliable operation of the line. (A-7)
14.  In Coimbatore, the TANGEDCO has planned to erect a 400 kV line, Design a tower with suitable height, suitable spacing between conductors, conductors and earth, and spacing between each tower. Also suggest the type of tower to be selected if the line is erected outside/inside the city. (B-7)
15.  In the following blocks of KCT Conduct energy auditing and suggest essential measures to be followed or restricted for the efficient use of Energy in the buildings. (A-8)
Students Center
Tifac Kore
Ladies Hostel
Gents Hostel 1
Gents Hostel 2
Administrative building
Seminar halls
You can use online support for enhanced energy auditing. Use data collected by other batches for the respective blocks.

16.  In the following blocks of KCT Conduct energy auditing and suggest essential measures to be followed or restricted for the efficient use of Energy in the buildings. (B-8)
You can use online support for enhanced energy auditing. Use data’s collected by your friends for the respective blocks.

1.      Reference:
In tandem with the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO), the Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation (TANTRANSCO) has also taken up establishment of transmission network adequate to evacuate the power generated from the proposed new power plants and also to efficiently distribute further down the channel. It is proposed to establish 400KV substations with 2500 ckt km of 400 KV lines, 230 KV substations and 200 numbers of 110 KV substations during Twelfth Five Year Plan. In addition to this for efficient flow of power across the State, TANTRANSCO will lay a backbone network of 400 KV double circuit line with Quad conductors connecting the following substations during the plan period
i.e., Kayathar(New Sub Station (SS))- Karaikudi (existing PGCIL SS) - Pugalur (existing PGCIL SS) – Singarapet (New SS) – Ottiyambakkam (New SS).
Further, to harness the full potential of eco–friendly wind power, an exclusive
corridor for evacuation of wind power is also programmed during the plan period as set
out below:
• Thappagundu (New SS) - Anaikadavu (New SS) -Rasipalayam (New SS) - Salem(765 KV new SS by PGCIL).
• Abhisekapatty(PGCIL SS) –Kanarpatty (Prop. New SS) – Kayathar (New SS) –
Thennampatti (New SS) – Kovilpatty (New 765 KV PGCIL SS).
• Vagarai (New SS) – Singarapet (New SS)

17.  From Reference 1, Find efficiency ,regulation and cost required for  Kayathar(New Sub Station (SS))- Karaikudi (existing PGCIL SS) - Pugalur (existing PGCIL SS) – Singarapet (New SS) – Ottiyambakkam (New SS). (A-9)
18.  From Reference 1, Find efficiency ,regulation and cost required for  Thappagundu (New SS) - Anaikadavu (New SS) -Rasipalayam (New SS) - Salem(765 KV new SS by PGCIL). (B-9)
19.  From Reference 1, Find efficiency ,regulation and cost required for  Abhisekapatty(PGCIL SS) –Kanarpatty (Prop. New SS) – Kayathar (New SS) – Thennampatti (New SS) – Kovilpatty (New 765 KV PGCIL SS). (A-10)
20.  From Reference 1, Find efficiency ,regulation and cost required for  Vagarai (New SS) – Singarapet (New SS) (B-10)
21.   ISSUE 1:  TN was heavily affected by lack of transmission lines to evacuate power from plants in one part of the state to regions that require power. Despite the availability of power, especially from windmills with a capacity of more than 7,000MW, TN lost over 2.1 billion kwh of power last year alone due to lack of transmission infrastructure, it is estimated.

"The commissioning of the transmission lines will help improve the power situation in Chennai as power generated from windmills in the southern part can be transmitted to the rest of the state and to Chennai, which are power starved," said K Venkatachalam, chief adviser of Tamil Nadu Spinning Mills Association, which owns most windmills in the state.
How to resolve the above issue. Do detail analysis ( Efficiency, Regulation and cost)
Explain green energy corridor project in India. (A-11)
22.  Explain Growth in transmission sector in India. Write technical solution (lke strengthening transmission corridor between region)  to reduce power deficits in southern region of India. (B-11)
23.  Explain difference between 3 phase and 6 phase transmission line. Under smart city plan TRANSCO planned to convert all 3 phase HV to 6 Phase HV,  Find efficiency , Regulation. (A-12)
24.  Explain difference between Cable transmission line and Overhead Transmission line. Under smart city plan TRANSCO planned to convert all 3 phase HV to Cables Find efficiency  and cost. (B-12)
25.  Explain Sakthi sugars Power system Structure. Write your suggestion ( transmission point of view)  to improve its performance.
26.  Explain Suzlon Power system Structure. Write your suggestion ( transmission point of view)  to improve its performance.

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