Saturday, February 13, 2016


Consider the following model depicting the transfer of AC power between two buses across a line:
Figure 1. Simple AC power transmission model

Where \boldsymbol{V_{s}} = V_{s} e^{-j\phi_{1}} \,  is the voltage and phase angle at the sending end
\boldsymbol{V_{r}} = V_{r} e^{-j\phi_{2}} \,  is the voltage and phase angle at the receiving end
\boldsymbol{Z} \,  is the complex impedance of the line.
\boldsymbol{I} = \frac{\boldsymbol{V_{s}} - \boldsymbol{V_{r}}}{\boldsymbol{Z}} \,  is the current phasor
The complex AC power transmitted to the receiving end bus can be calculated as follows:
\boldsymbol{S} = \boldsymbol{V_{r}}\boldsymbol{I}^{*}
At this stage, the impedance is purposely undefined and in the following sections, two different line impedance models will be introduced to illustrate the following fundamental features of AC power transmission:
  • The power-angle relationship
  • PV curves and steady-state voltage stability

Power-Angle Relationship

In its simplest form, we neglect the line resistance and capacitance and represent the line as purely inductive, i.e. \boldsymbol{Z} = j \omega L = jX \, . The power transfer across the line is therefore:
\boldsymbol{S} = \boldsymbol{V_{r}} \left[ \frac{\boldsymbol{V_{s}} - \boldsymbol{V_{r}}}{jX} \right]^{*}
 = \frac{V_{r} e^{-j\phi_{2}}(V_{s} e^{j\phi_{1}} - V_{r} e^{j\phi_{2}})}{-jX}
 = j \frac{V_{s} V_{r}}{X} e^{-j (\phi_{2} - \phi_{1})} - j \frac{V_{r}^{2}}{X}
 = \frac{V_{s} V_{r}}{X} \sin\delta + j \frac{V_{r}}{X} (V_{s} \cos\delta - V_{r})
Where  \delta = \phi_{2} - \phi_{1} \,  is called the power angle, which is the phase difference between the voltages on bus 1 and bus 2.
We can see that active and reactive power transfer can be characterised as follows:
P = \frac{V_{s} V_{r}}{X} \sin\delta
Q = \frac{V_{r}}{X} (V_{s} \cos\delta - V_{r})
Plotting the active power transfer for various values of  \delta \, , we get:
Figure 2. Active power transfer characteristic for a lossless line

The figure above is often used to articulate the Power-Angle Relationship. We can see that in this simple model, power will only flow when there is a phase difference between the voltages at the sending and receiving ends. Moreover, there is a theoretical limit to how much power can be transmitted through a line (shown here when the phase difference is 90o). This limit will be a recurring theme in these line models, i.e. lines have natural capacity limits on how much power they can transmit.

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